Due to the nature and diversity of the work I offer I bring the intention of honouring your experience and you as an individual and as you would like to be honoured.
I have respect for your values, your body, your mind and approach the work form a place of minful integrity while remaining open, connected and responsible for my self.
- I create a safe space where you can be fully seen and be free to express yourself without judgement within my boundaries.
- I create a space where you can be fully honoured in your boundaries and your no and yes fuly received and acknowledged withour question or judement.
- I am fully responsible for myself and my behaviour and welcome feedback on anything you may feel triggered by.
- I agree to respect your boundarties and honour you as a human and all the richness that brings at all times.
- I agree that our sessions are confidential and will remain that way
- I request that I receive the same level of respect and integrity and acknowlegement of my humnaness.
- Touch is focused on you and is not about my pleasure it is all about your pleasure and healing.
- I request that no details of me, my home, my persoanl life that you may discover in a session are shared.
- I request that no photos are taken of me, my home or outside my property.
- No appointments are held without a deposit
I reserve the right to terminate a professional relationship or session without refund or return of deposit should the following occur.
- A client disrespects me, my home and my environment including the area where I live.
- A client / or potential cleint does not respect my boundaries or honour my no without question
- A cleint of potential client makes me feel unsafe
- A client breaches confidentiallity about me, my home and neighbourhood
- A client displays verbal or physical abuse, demaning comments or objectifies me.
- A client expreses mysoginistic comments or behaviour
- A client breachs by bondaries
- A client is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol
- A client sends abusive messages or emails
- A client persistently messages me without good reason
- A client presents with sexist our racist comments or behaviour
- Client turns up for an appointment under the influence of alcohol or drugs