Bondage Massage

Bondage Massage
Bondage Massage
Bondage Massage
Bondage Massage
Bondage Massage

Exploring the body through sensation a unique offering from Awaking your inner essence in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire based between Leeds, Bradford and Manchester

Bondage Massage offers you the opportunity to explore touch through sensations while sensory awareness is taken away.

Explore the magic of sensual surrender 

This is a powerful massage of connecting with the roots of deep surrender and trust as you will be immersed in the world of sensation play. Bondage massage offers a safe place to play with your edges and boundaries as you are blindfolded, and ties to my massage table.

Dropping into complete surrender couples with the excitement of what is coming next can be deeply healing experience as you learn to let go and trust.

I weave together elements of tantric bodywork and Kahuna body work for the massage element and bring in sensations from soft massage gloves, to feathers, satin and silks, to leather, sensual floggers for sensation play and many other wonderful sensations, sounds, smells and tastes. I put my own individual twist on this massage to make it varied and stimulating to receive.

This massage really awakens your whole body sensations in a deep erotic way and enables you to fully connect with your body and what each sensation means for you.

So if kinky bodywork resonates with you this is something to indulge in and learn about how your body reacts physically and emotionally to different sensations as we explore through light bondage, sensory deprivation and energetic massage practices.

This massage really awakens your whole body sensations in a deep erotic way and enables you to fully connect with your body and what each sensation means for you.

So if kinky bodywork resonates with you this is something to indulge in and learn about how your body reacts physically and emotionally to different sensations as we explore through light bondage, sensory deprivation and energetic massage practices.

I weave together elements of tantric bodywork and Kahuna body work for the massage element and bring in sensations from soft massage gloves, to feathers, satin and silks, to leather, sensual floggers for sensation play

Contact Me

I am available by telephone, text, WhatsApp email and social media.